Are you doing your part to keep personal and religious freedoms.
by Tom Tishken on Thursday, September 17, 2009 at 9:45pm
We are coming to a crucial time in our country. We are loosing our personal freedoms and our religious freedoms that men like Dr John Clake, Obadiah Homles, John Leland, John Marshal, Patrick Henry, Shubal Stearns, and others that i don't have space to mention believed from God's Word that these were given to man by God, and were un-seperateable from man.
These men have stood up, suffered and gave their life to bring this country to a point where it would allow personal and religious freedoms. Freedoms that are given by God, protected by the constitution. These Baptist Preachers who were beaten, had all that they owned stolen by the magistrates, and imprisoned. Why did these things happen to them? They happened because the state-Church did not allow freedom.
As we trace our Baptistic history, we find that the Baptistic people have not persecuted those who differed from them both secular and religiously. These Baptistic people have been severely persecuted and put to death by those who believed that there should not be any freedom to worship.
We are now seeing the special rights groups trumping the rights of all others. The hate crimes bills will not take us back to a time when Baptist People are beaten and imprisoned for preaching God's Word. What will come next? Will they push to have Baptist people executed because they preach God's Word and preach against sin? If you don't think that they will, just look back at the "catholic church"(and all the harlots of Rome(the protestant groups)), how has it treated Baptist people thru the ages? It has aflicked them with every evil it can imagine. Also the islamic "faith" through their history has offered death to all those who do not convert. These actions are totally against what God has written in His Word.
Why do they execute those who do not believe and worship like them? It is called replacement theology. Replacement theology is where these groups believe they are the "new Israel". Just as God told Israel to wipe out the people when they came into the promised land, they are (in their mind) supposed to wipe out and one who does not worship like them. They totally missed why God told the Children of Israel to wipe these people out. They make of themselves Priest, and separate the Church leadership from the laity(church body). the Bible does not teach separation from the preacher and the Church members.
Look at our history here in America, How can we as Americans allow our freedoms to slip through our fingers? Because we have stop teaching our kids that sin is sin, and there are certain things that are wrong and certain things are right. I feel sorry for our brave solders who fight with all their might to keep us free, and have politicians slap them in the face and take away the freedoms that they have fought for.
A friend once said, "to be politically correct is to be morally wrong". In this day of political correctness we have forsaken God's law. Political correctness should be labeled "situation ethnics" and should have a warning sticker that says, "straight from the communist manifesto". PC has done so much harm to logic and justice. PC even changes as the need of the special rights groups changes and what focus are they trying to achieve. How can a special rights group who comprises less than 5% at most(more likely 1 to 2%) be given a higher status and protection than those of minority races? It is called situation ethnics or Political correctness, and these are a curse to any nation who follows their satanic teaching.
Now ask yourself, Have I stood up and made my voice known? When it comes to elections have you done your part to vote? Have you talked to your kids and friends about God? Have you discussed what is right and wrong? Can you take the Bible and show someone where sin is wrong? Do you have enough back bone to stand up against sin and things that are wrong.
Tom Tishken
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