Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Aredn net router setup

I just got the Arden router setup. And I have been playing around with the Arden Network for the hammesh hsmm. High speed multimedia mesh networking. And now I am looking to set some tunnels up, we have the old ham national stuff running with some Linksys routers. And so we're looking at getting some tunnel set up for the Arden Network. On the hmnm mesh Network there's also a ham based sip phone network, that other mesh Network routers that are connected to the tunnels can use throughout the world.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

web server online.

Got my webserver online

Wow, that is my old page reposted on a raspberry pi

my gopher server is on line

Here is the address.


Oh man I love the web. So many things and so little time to play.

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Ahhh using gopher web space

Here we are. Using gopher space, checking out all of the places in gopher space. Boy the internet is so much fun when you don't have to deal with advertising and lots and lots of graphics. Go for web the way the internet was supposed to be.