Saturday, August 12, 2023

VIM editor

 i saw the news this week that the lead developer for VIM passed away.

I use VIM from time to time. i dont use it everyday, but i use it maybe 2 or 3 times a month(sometimes a bit more).

there are some places that VIM is the best solution. i will give you one example: if you telnet into your local router to change and play with the firmware, VIM or a fork of VIM, is usally there to use.

  It is light weight and fast. not many bells and whistles. but who needs fancy stuff when your editing files????

stay happy use VIM and enjoy a true piece of history and a living program that is still being developed.

Wow i found an tricle in the news paper from 2004 about me talking about skywarn


 that is a long time ago. i was at a skywarn training event and had someone from the news paper interview me and a few others about skywarn and the following is what was printer from that